Click Image To Visit SiteIf Your Cakes Never Quite Look Like the Picture in the Recipe Book? DON?T WORRY! We?ve got the Perfect Solution for You!!
Hi, my name?s Maddy, and I?m about to offer you an AMAZING chance to kick-start your baking ability! Through my simple and effective step-by-step baking videos, you?ll be able to delight and impress your friends and family as you all tuck into some seriously delicious cakes BAKED BY YOU!
I can guarantee that two hours from now, you could have a freshly baked and decorated cake in front of you, ready to serve up for that dinner party or picnic. And just imagine the looks of surprise and envy on your guests? faces when you tell them casually, ?Oh, I just whipped it up this afternoon!? Trust me, it?s the best feeling
I don?t know what all the baking terms, like ?cream? and ?fold?, mean!
The instructions are confusing ? I don?t know how important the order, or brand or type, of ingredients is!
I don?t have fancy appliances or a gourmet budget ? what are some quick and easy recipes I can just whip up in one mixing bowl, bake and serve??
Now, if you?re nodding your head in agreement and frustration too ? don?t worry, you?re not alone! There are truly THOUSANDS of people who have that sweet tooth, want to be able to bake, but just can?t get their cakes to turn out well! Hell, I was one of them!
Now, let me tell you a bit of a story, about how I went from a frustrated no-hoper to someone who loves baking so much they wanted to share ideas and help others to bake?
I come from a BIG family (7 kids!), so it was always a fight for survival for attention, treats, and kitchen space. So I tended to lay low, and not join in the chaos in the kitchen. Plus my mum is a seriously good cook ? one of those annoying people who never follows recipes, instead is talented enough to just make it up out of her head. Not like me at all! So I was pretty intimidated by the whole baking game, and anything I tried never worked out right, my cakes never looked like the photo in the recipe book!
So what did I do?? I moved out of home, made huge messes in my very own kitchen, and was able to figure out several IDIOT-PROOF cake recipes that guaranteed me a great result EVERY TIME!! Now, this process took a fair bit of time, sweat, and tears so I want to save YOU this pain and anxiety and show you these BEST-EVER recipes today!
In my videos, I offer complete step-by-step instructions for making the perfect cake, showing you every method and addition is detail, from the minute you begin mixing to the minute you serve the cake up! It really isn?t the scary and intimidating process you think it is ? I?ve mastered baking, and so can you! Pretty soon people will be ?requesting? cakes of you, knowing how great you are at baking ? trust me, I went from having no idea, to now providing the cakes for every party with family and friends! People ring me and ask me to please bake them their favourite cake! And I?m going to show these ?favourite? recipes to you!
Seeing so many people get discouraged over baking inspired me to compile a library of the best baking tips and tricks that ensure a perfect cake every time?
Trust me, you will love these tips. Why not sign up for our FREE tips and tricks newsletter, and join the thousands of others who are now happy little bakers!
Simply, enter your name and email address below to receive this acclaimed baking newsletter instantly:
I had always wanted to learn how to bake cakes, so I bought a few recipe books. After several attempts of following the recipes in these books, the cakes NEVER turned out anything like the picture? and the taste was horrible! Then I went searching online? and stumbled across Maddy and her Cake Making Course, wow! I can now make about 4 cakes which are very versatile and all have been proven winners! The lemon syrup cake is to die for? it?s now a dinner party favorite! My girlfriend loves the fact that I now make the dessert! Thanks Maddy, this course is truly exceptional! Paul, Sydney, Australia
What it exactly means to ?fold?, ?beat?, ?whisk?, ?layer? and ?cream?
What ingredients are indispensable and what ones can be substituted (for example, if you?re diary or gluten intolerant, or on a low cholesterol diet)
Ways to decorate the same cake in different ways ? so people think it?s an entirely new and unique cake! (one of my favorite tricks)
How to whip up an easy ?quick-mix? bowl-method cake, or prepare a delectable and more time-consuming baked cheesecake
This Cake Making Course will reveal exactly how to turn almost all complicated cakes into a simple quick mix method that will save you time and effort, without compromising quality of presentation or taste!
You will discover the "magic formula" to any cake recipe, allowing you to improvise and create like a Pro in no time!
This course will empower you to stupify and amaze these "domestic goddesses" by producing a new and delicious cake every morning tea or dinner party you attend by using your secret library of cake ideas!
Every cake recipe included in this step by step cake baking course will produce 3 or more totally different looking and tasting cakes!
Don?t forget, if you successfully order today, you will also get both Fast Action Baking Bonuses mentioned above completely free as an extra reward! The limited time price of $29.95 gets you an unlimited premier membership, and includes all the step by step? Read more?
Related Reading:
The craft of baking is based on good technique. Learn the fundamentals well, and you can bake perfect... Read More >
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